Monday, March 15, 2010

USPS Has Spoken

Recently I mentioned that I had to make a choice between two Mermaid- Mermaids of Atlantis or Mermaid of the Pearls on which to start first. The US Postal Service made up my mind for me today. I finally received my linen for the Mermaid of the Pearls. Unfortunaltely the linen is a 32 ct. I have never done this count before, and believe me, it's TINY. If you hear some screaming, it's just me.


  1. And USP spoke for me today too when they delivered my 28 count linen and Kreinik thread that I needed....I wanted to start last night but want to enlarge the pattern before I I will maybe start tonight..but dont tell Shey !

  2. Elaine, mum's the word. I won't tell if you won't tell. But you know that she'll still catch up. lol
